When you notice quite how many fried chicken shops are in certain areas, you'd be forgiven for thinking there must be some kind of 'fried chicken urban deprivation index'. In actuality, this is probably likely to work better with betting shops. Betting shops aren't half as interesting as fried chicken shops - you notice after a short while that they are very heavily stylised. They all tend to go for red white and blue colour schemes, a bit, but not quite the same as Kentucky Fried. Also, pseudo american names are often used to make the whole thing look a bit more authentic, as well as stars and stripes, all the usual trappings of exported Americana. Cartoon chickens looking very enthusiastic about the whole thing. I had thought there must be about thirty of these along this 1 1/2 mile stretch of road, but in actuality there were slightly fewer. You could do a whole stylish coffee table pop up book for the 30 something christmas sales about this sort of thing.
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