Hello, this is Neil's blog - mostly about looking for interesting things in life, which I like to photograph. It's slow blogging, so updates can be sporadic. Click on any photo to see the full size version.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The "Some Things Where People Really Ought to Know They've Done It Before At Some Point, and might Find things Easier if they try to Remember how that worked out last time Effect."

You remember the Bob Dylan Herbal Tea Tofu effect of course. Here is another defining thing in modern life.

Here are some examples of the Some Things Where People Really Ought to Know They've Done It Before At Some Point, and might Find things Easier if they try to Remember how that worked out last time Effect. Can you think of anything else?

1. Being an Estate Agent and someone wants to buy a house. You have done this before. Seriously.
2. Trying to work a smartphone while going through the Tube
3. Trying to bullshit on the Today Programme
4. Driving up someones rear bumper to try to make them go faster
5. Owning a camping site and having someone turn up who wants to camp.
6. Being a University in September
7. Having one of those purses with lots of zips and discovering you have to pay in a supermarket
8. Getting on a tube train with people behind you and not stopping in the door
9. Remembering to stop your bus and let passengers on
10. Buying those pots of varnish with built in woodstain
11. Trusting politicians
12. Drinking on an empty stomach
13. Running a railway system on a Sunday
14. DJs with an empty dancefloor ignoring requests from punters
15. Being in a builders merchants already anyway, and then listening to relatives who say they've got at home enough nails and screws to finish the job
16. Magically getting better from a minor ailment just weeks after starting an expensive course of homeopathy.
17. Standing a ridiculous distance back from the person using the cashpoint.
18. Using a mobile in a quiet coach when there are people like me.
19. A Daily Mail Reader asks if you've you heard about a topical issue and not pretending to be dead

20. "They'll turn Vegetarian if I berate them enough"
21. Making someone who is talking to you repeat absolutely everything. Especially if they have a shovel.  
22. A democrat for president - there is hope
23. We need to take the whole afternoon off to drive to the gig - I rang the venue and they say the soundcheck is at seven.
24. Motor
way services. Let's look in the shop!

25..Owing a quick release bicycle seat.  
26. "I'll just cook this bacon on my Trangia"
27. "Don't bother bringing a map, there's one on my iPhone"

28.  Getting wound up about the Turner Prize
29.  Buying a sausage roll that's been reheated ina  microwave.  
30. "I'll discuss cycling on the internet with some motorists. I'm sure they'll see my point."
31. Tell us what you think in the Staff Survey!

32. Call us for cheaper car insurance
33. Not liking being glared at yet having kids you ignore on trains when they cry.  
34. Going for a quiet day fishing in the middle of a busy towpath
35. Trying to impress people by owning a motorbike
36. Liking having wildlife in your garden and then getting a cat. 
37. Hiding behind 'I was only being honest'  
38. Prescriptive wedding present lists on department store databases
39. Superglue. 
40. Toasters
41. Squishing bits of rice down the plughole. 
42. Being an Arms Dealer.  
43. Writing long lists of things on the internet because it seems entertaining and clever
44. Not asking people if they want something before imposing it
45. Laminate Flooring
46. Getting on my nerves.

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